DIY Tutorial - How to Pack Blessing Socks for the Homeless
One of the ways we like to teach our kids compassion is to pack blessing bags for our local homeless. This year, my good friend gave me this great idea to pack them in sock instead - brilliant, right?
Like we do every year, we gathered all the things we collected from our hotel stays, dental visits, etc like:
- Eye mask
- Lotion
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Bar soap
- Tooth paste
- Toothbrush
- Ear plugs
- Lip balm
- Floss
- Bandages
- Feminine hygiene products for females
- Snacks
- Water
- Personal notes
We attach this business card sized card into all the bags to help encourage and motivate those who receive them. Click here to download a printable of this card.
For more ideas and a printable checklist on items that would be great for blessing bags this is a great site.
The kids had a great time personalizing their gifts with drawings and words of encouragement.
This year, we also added some jokes to help add a smile to their day.
We filled one sock with a water bottle and the other sock with the remaining goodies.
Tie them up with some ribbon and they are ready to bless someone's day!
Although these donations are small, they are a very real and tangible way to help someone in need and a great way to teach our kids to be humble and have compassion for others.
Hope this inspires you to get your kids involved in blessing someone else’s life!
Have you done something similar in the past? Let us know what you like to pack in your bags. We'd love to hear from you!
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