200+ Free Online Games to Play with Family & Friends During the COVID-19 Quarantine
You may not be able to meet with your friends for a game night during the Covid-19 quarantine, but that doesn't mean the fun needs to stop. Here are 200+ free online games you can play with friends and family from far and wide.
Thank you to Nia for providing this resource for us to share here with our community. We are grateful for her resourceful skills to gather this original list of games to help us stay socially connected during this time. Please feel free to use this list as much as you’d like! This is a free, public resource. She is happy that this list is helping people around the world find ways to stay connected.
7 Wonders Duel (2 players, ages 10+): https://sevenee.mattle.online/welcome
Acquire (2-6 players, ages 12+): https://acquire.tlstyer.com/
Advanced Civilization (2-8 players, ages 12+): http://civ.rol-play.com
Agricola (1-5 players, ages 12+): http://play-agricola.com/
Azul (2-4 players, ages 8+): https://azee.mattle.online/
Backgammon (2 players, ages 8+):
Battleship (2 players, ages 8+):
Blokus (2-4 player, ages 5+): https://blokee.mattle.online/
Board Game Online (1-16 players, ages 17+): https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Brass (2-4 players, ages 14+): http://brass.orderofthehammer.com/
Carcassonne (2-5 players, ages 7+): https://concarneau.herokuapp.com/
Century: Spice Road (2-5 players, ages 8+): https://spicee.mattle.online/
Checkers (2 players, ages 6+):
Chess (2 players, ages 6+):
Connect Four (2 players, ages 6+):
Decrypto (3-8 players, ages 12+): https://whoawhoa.github.io/decrypto/
DiceWars (1-8 players, ages 8+):
Diplomacy (2-7 players, ages 12+):
Dominion (2-4 players, ages 13+): https://dominion.games/
Draughts (2 players, ages 6+): https://www.playok.com/en/draughts/
GO (2 players, ages 8+):
Go-Moku (2 players, ages 8+):
Liar’s Dice (2-8 players, ages 8+): https://www.cyberspaces.app/liarsdice
Ludo (2-4 players, ages 5+): https://www.playok.com/en/ludo/
Makruk (2 players, ages 8+): https://www.playok.com/en/makruk/
Monopoly (2-4 players, ages 8+):
Muggins (2 players, ages 5+): https://www.playok.com/en/dominoes/
Neptune’s Pride (2-16 players): https://np.ironhelmet.com/#landing
Pente (2 players, ages 8+): https://pente.org
Risk (2-6 players, ages 10+):
Reversi (2 players, ages 8+):
Settlers of Catan (3-4 players, 10+):
Shadow Hunters (4-8 players, ages 10+): http://www.shadowhunters.live/
Shogi (2 players, ages 8+): https://www.playok.com/en/shogi/\
Skull (3-6 players, ages 10+): https://skull.games/
Splendor (2-4 players, ages 10+): https://spendee.mattle.online/
Stratego (2 players, ages 8+):
Tak (2 players, ages 12+): https://www.playtak.com/
Terra Mystica (2-5 players, ages 12+): https://terra.snellman.net/
Through the Ages (2-4 players, ages 12+): http://boardgaming-online.com/
Xiangqi (2 players, ages 8+): https://www.playok.com/en/xiangqi/
Yahtzee (2-10 players, ages 6+):
3-5-8 (3): https://www.playok.com/en/358/
500 (2-6 players, 8+): https://www.trickstercards.com/home/500/
A standard deck of cards: http://playingcards.io/game/standard-deck
Barbu (4 players, ages 10+): https://www.playok.com/en/barbu/
Bridge (4 players, ages 12+):
Canasta (2-6 players, ages 12+): https://www.playok.com/en/canasta/
Cards Against Humanity (4-30 players, ages 17+):
Crazy 8’s (2-5 players, ages 4+): http://playingcards.io/game/crazy-eights
Cribbage (2-4 players, ages 10+):
Dixit (3-6 players, ages 8+): https://isolant.games/en/login.php
Durak (2-6 players, ages 8+): https://www.playok.com/en/durak/
Euchre (4 players, ages 8+):
Fish (6): https://playfish.herokuapp.com/
Game of Thrones LCG (2-4 players, ages 12+): https://theironthrone.net/
Gin Rummy (2 players, ages 8+): https://www.playok.com/en/ginrummy/
Go Fish (2-6 players, ages 4+: http://playingcards.io/game/go-fish
Godfield (2-9 players): https://godfield.net/
Hearts (4 players, ages 8+):
Hanabi (2-5 players, ages 8+): https://hanabi.live/
Monopoly Deal: CoViD-19 Edition (2-30, ages 8+): https://covidopoly.io/
Oh Hell (4 players, ages 10+):
Pairs (2-8 players, ages 6+): http://playingcards.io/game/match-up
Pinochle (2-4 players, ages 10+):
Pitch (2-4 players, ages 12+): https://www.trickstercards.com/home/pitch/
Poker (2-9 players, ages 12+):
Set (1-20 players, ages 6+):
Skat (3 players, ages 10+): https://www.playok.com/en/skat/
Spades (4 players, ages 10+):
Switch (2-4 players): https://www.playok.com/en/switch/
Uno (2-10 players, ages 6+):
Whist (2-4, ages 12+): https://www.trickstercards.com/home/whist/
Wizard (3-6 players, ages 10+): www.wizardcards.com/portal.php
Collectible CARD GAMES
Android: Netrunner LCG (2 players, ages 14+): https://www.jinteki.net/
Keyforge (2 players, ages 14+): https://thecrucible.online/
Legend of the Five Rings (2-8 players, 12+): https://jigoku.online/
Yu-Gi-Oh (2+, ages 8+): https://www.duelingbook.com
Board Game Collections:
Board Game Arena: http://boardgamearena.com
Boardgamecore: http://play.boardgamecore.net/
BoardSpace: www.boardspace.net/english/index.shtml
Tabletopia: https://www.tabletopia.com/
Triqqy: https://triqqy.com
Vassal: www.vassalengine.org
Yucata: https://www.yucata.de/en
Card Game Collections:
Cardzmania: https://www.cardzmania.com/games/
Classic Game Collections:
Solo Game Collections:
Cool Math Games: https://www.coolmathgames.com/
Orisinal: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/
Game Design: https://www.gamedesign.jp/index_en.html
Video Game Collections:
Online Video Game Console: https://www.airconsole.com/
Houseparty (3+): https://app.houseparty.com/login
A Fake Artist Goes to New York (5-10 players, ages 8+):
Pictionary (3-16 players, ages 8+):
Telestrations (4-8 players, ages 8+):
Tic-Tac-Toe (2 players, ages 4+): https://papergames.io/en/tic-tac-toe
Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe (2 players, ages 6+): www.bejofo.net/ttt
Alice in Wonderland: https://bit.ly/WonderlandEscape
Alone Together: https://www.enchambered.com/puzzles/
Bank Heist: https://expeditionescapevirtualgames.webflow.io/bank-heist
Dog Man Digital Escape Room: https://bit.ly/DogManEscape
Ducky World: https://bit.ly/DuckyWorld
Enigmatic Caper: https://enigmaticaper.tumblr.com/
Escape: https://bit.ly/35ZE1AQ
Escape from StarKiller Base: https://bit.ly/StarKillerEescape
Field Trips (child-friendly): https://bit.ly/k8hOh
Hack Forward Demo: https://keyenigma.com/hackforward/chapterone
Harry Potter:
Caesar’s Cave: https://archive.hpfanfictalk.com/viewstory.php?sid=3121
Harry Potter Digital Escape Room: https://bit.ly/HarryPotterDigitalEscape
Hogwarts Digital Escape Room: https://bit.ly/HogwartsEscape
Jumanji: https://bit.ly/JumanjiEscape
Midnight Express: https://bit.ly/MidnightEscapeRoom
Minecraft Escape Room: https://bit.ly/M35Y7Q4V
Monthly Mysteries: https://theescapegame.com/the-monthly-mystery/
Mothman: https://escape-the-crate.com/mothman-reports
Mr. X: https://www.escapedurham.co.uk/mr-x
PostCurious Puzzle: https://www.getpostcurious.com/freepuzzle
Oscar’s Stolen Oscar: https://bit.ly/OscarsStolenOscar
Sherlock Holmes Digital Escape Room: https://bit.ly/SherlockHolmesEscape
SOS: https://www.paradigmq.com/sos/
Spy Apprentice Digital Escape Room: https://bit.ly/SpyApprenticeDERA
The Maker Code: https://complexrooms.com/maker/
Ultra Mega Super Death Escape Room: https://bit.ly/UMSDER
Union of Recorded Lives: https://bit.ly/UnionRL
Adventure Quest Worlds: https://www.aq.com/
Battle Royale :
Club Penguin:
Dragon Fable: https://www.dragonfable.com/
Dungeons and Dragons: https://roll20.net/
Hordes: https://hordes.io/
Krunker: https://krunker.io/
Liero: https://www.webliero.com/
Pokemon Showdown: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/
RuneScape: https://www.runescape.com/splash
TL; DR eat people, get big:
ToonTown: https://www.toontownrewritten.com/
Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/
Fishbowl (4-20 players, ages 5+: https://fishbowl-game.com/
Kings (2-8 players, ages 21+): https://www.cyberspaces.app/kings
QuiqWit (2-12 players, ages 17+): https://www.qwiqwit.com/room/none/
Wavelength (2-12 players, ages 14+):
Beam (1-100, ages 10+): https://goldenpigames.github.io/Beam/
Crossword Puzzles: https://downforacross.com/
Jigsaw Puzzles:
Little Alchemy: http://littlealchemy.com/
Logic Puzzles: https://www.conceptispuzzles.com/index.aspx
Monster Breeder: http://monsterbreeder.com/
Political Murder Mystery Dinner (6 players): https://bit.ly/PoliticalMurderMysteryDinner
Tetris (1-20): https://jstris.jezevec10.com/
Avalon (5-10, ages 13+):
Coup (2-6 players, ages 13+):
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (4-12 players, ages 14+):
Inhuman Conditions (2 players, ages 12+): http://interrogation.ftwinston.com/
Love Letter (2-4 players, ages 10+): https://netgames.io/games/love-letter/
One-Night Werewolf (3-10 players, ages 8+):
Secret Hitler (5-10 players, ages 13+):
Spyfall (3-8 players, ages 13+):
The Resistance (5-10 players, ages 13+):
Town of Salem (7-15 players, ages 8+): https://www.blankmediagames.com/
Traditional Mafia (6-16 players, ages 8+):
Traditional Werewolf (8-24 players, ages 8+): https://werewolv.es/
Black Room: https://cass.itch.io/blackroom
Bingo: Coronavirus Edition (all ages): http://manfrancisco.com/coronabingo/
Capture the Flag:
Hanjie Star: https://www.hanjie-star.com/
OnlineSoloGames: http://www.onlinesologames.com/
OnlineDominoGames: http://www.onlinedominogames.com/
Coloring Book Collection: http://www.colorthebe.com/
Fallen London: https://www.fallenlondon.com/
Incremental Games:
A Dark Room: http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/
Cookie Clicker: http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
Candy Box: https://candybox2.github.io/
Universal Paperclips: https://decisionproblem.com/paperclips
Logic Games:
Mahjong Solitaire: https://www.playok.com/en/mahjong/
Pairs: http://visualistchallenge.com/
Solitaire: https://cardgames.io/solitaire/
Text-Based Adventures: http://textadventures.co.uk
Neopets : https://www.neopets.com/
Typeracer: https://play.typeracer.com/
BPtrivia: https://bptrivia.com/
Jeopardy: https://jeopardylabs.com/
Kahoot: https://kahoot.com
Multiplayer Trivia: https://www.multiplayertrivia.com
Quizbowl: https://protobowl.com/
Quizwitz: https://www.quizwitz.com/en/party
Sporcle: https://www.sporcle.com/
Boggle (1-8 players, ages 8+):
City-Country-River (2-20): https://citycountryriver.net/
Codenames (4-20 players, ages 14+):
Jairagrams (1-8 players, ages 7+):
Just One (3-7 players, ages 8+): https://runetiera.com/one
Scattergories (2-20 players, ages 12+):
Scrabble (2-4 players, ages 10+):
Taboo (4-10 players, ages 10+): https://playtaboo.com
Do you know of a game that is not listed? Leave a comment below and we'll add it.
Again, a special thanks goes out to Nia for compiling this list. You can find Nia on twitter & Instagram: @ihartnia If you’d like to show appreciation to Nia, her Venmo is @ihartnia! Her parents were laid off due to the pandemic, and she would appreciate whatever help you are able and willing to offer.
Additional thanks to Danny, who created a sortable version of this list and Lionel, Andre, and Claire for creating an easy way to search these games.