DIY Tutorial - Star Wars Comic-con and Halloween Costumes

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DIY Tutorial - Star Wars Comic-con and Halloween Costumes

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We had the opportunity to go to Comic-con this year and of course, we had to make our Star Wars cosplay for it! Here's a look at how we made our costumes.

DIY Kids Star Wars Ewok Costume Tutorial:

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Ewok Costume Tutorial

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Ewok Costume Tutorial


Instructions for Ewok Hood and mitts:

  • Cut 2 identical pieces of brown cotton fabric for hood
  • Cut an oval from 1 piece for face opening – raw fabric edges make a nice touch for this costume
  • Cut and sew ear pieces using brown faux fur fabric
  • Pin and sew ears to hood. Sew along top of hood keeping bottom open.
  • Hand stitch black embroidery thread to front of hood, X's and hatch marks
  • We made some mitts using the faux fur fabric also. They have 2 openings, one large opening for 4 fingers and 1 small opening for thumb. Mitts were cut-offs to show finger tips.

Ewok Staff:

  • We used a bamboo stick and covered one end with duct tape and hot glued twine around it
  • Blade is made using a grey foam floor mat

DIY Girls Star Wars Princess Leia Costume Tutorial:

IZZAROO - DIY Girls Star Wars Princess Lei Costume Tutorial

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Princess Leia Costume Tutorial


Instructions for Princess Leia Dress:

  • Cut and sewed her dress
  • Added elastic gold trim around waist

Instructions for Princess Leia Hair Buns:

  • Cover and glue plastic headband with brown felt
  • To start the buns, cut some circular cardboard pieces and glue them to the sides of the headband
  • Using brown yarn, make 2 very long braids.
  • Hot glue one end of braid to the center of the circular cardboard. Gradually glue and wrap around until you’ve reached the outer edge of the cardboard.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Costume Tutorials

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Costumes Tutorials

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Costume Tutorials

DIY Adult Star Wars Luke Skywalker Costume Tutorial:

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Costume Tutorials



  • Shirt is a large rectangle, folded in half with slits cut along the sides to insert a belt.
  • Cut a hole for the neck and and sew a cowl along the opening.
  • Green part that covers hat is a foam mat covered with green duck tape.

DIY Women's Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial:

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Women's Costume Tutorial

Supplies for dress:

  • White tank top
  • White skirt
  • Blue fabric
  • Grey fabric
  • Black marker
  • Hot Glue Gun

Supplies for head piece:

Instructions for dress:

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial

This is the basic white tank top I used.

Start by sewing a strip/tube of blue fabric to skirt as follows.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial

Attach the other end of the blue fabric to the tank top. The tank I had was long, the part you see at the top of the photo is the excess bottom of the tank top.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial

This is how it looks when sewing is complete.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial

Added a second layer of blue fabric in the back to act as a pocket to hold my phone and wallet! Used velcro to keep opening closed and contents secure.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars R2D2 Costume Tutorial

  • Cut the blue pieces for the tank top and hot glue in place.
  • Cut the blue and grey pieces for the skirt and glue in place.
  • Using a black marker, draw remaining details on skirt.

Instructions for head piece:

  • We made 2 different head pieces. The larger one was made from a large plastic bowl. Thought it might be hard to walk around Comic-con with this so we made the smaller one from an old baseball cap.
  • I cut off the bill of the cap and attached a headlamp around it. 
  • Drape and glue grey fabric over it.
  • Cut blue/red/black pieces and attach with hot glue.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Costumes Tutorials

A scene from the Star Wars movie when Princess Leia says “Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope.”

There you have it, fun Star Wars costumes for the whole family. We also made some different Star Wars costumes for Halloween one year and a simple X-Wing costume - check them out.

Planning a Star Wars Party? Check out this post for some fun ideas.

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Party Ideas

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Cardboard AT-AT Tutorial

IZZAROO - DIY Star Wars Cardboard At-At Tutorial

See the video on how we made this giant AT AT head from start to finish:

If you make your own costumes we'd love to see! Tag #IZZAROOcostumes for a chance to be featured on our website.

Hope this inspires you to #CREATEmore and make lasting memories for your family. I would love to hear what you think of these in the comments section. 

To see some of our fun video tutorials, check out our YouTube channel.

If you love to create like us, you'll love our collection of Create More shirts10% of net profits will benefit organizations that empower underprivileged youth. Learn more about our mission to Be The Good.

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